Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
"So let us mark this day with remembrance..."
Saturday, January 17, 2009
the skull quilt
3 years ago i decided i would make a quilt for C using a bunch of diffrent skull fabrics that i had collected online and from the fabric store. being pregnant at the time was my first excuse not to start, having a baby was my second excuse, moving was my third so on and so on.... untill finally the other day while digging thru a tote of fabric Kaija Rose began to line up all the diffrent skull fabrics in a row. (a favorite pass time of hers) it just so happened that chris was walking thru and saw the skull fabrics, brining up the 3 year question "where my quilt huh?"
I was fully out of excuses (although now i can think of some) i aggreed to start pressing and cutting if he would keep kai occupied.
i dont know how well he really held up to his end of the bargain but i did get a really good start.Once Kai was in bed for the night I was able to get my squares sewn into blocks and cut back up again for a disapearing 9. Its all layed out ready to....but i couldn't stand to look at it any longer.
Labels: Crafting and Sewing
Sunday, January 11, 2009
the view from 3,849 feet
Mt. Diablo walnut creek, ca
it was so windy...
...but the sunset was worth it.
it was so peaceful and quiet up there. A great place to work on intergrating my earth and solar energies. I really didnt want to leave but the park closes after sunset. no worries, i will return.
Labels: out and about
Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Gypsy Piper
we got a puppy!
it just sort of happened. Right time, right place, right dog...
a friend of a friend of a friend had puppys (sounds familar im sure)
So the day after christmas, Fer Fer, H, Nonny and I took a trip out to oakland for what I will call "mission puppy" I get to call it "mission puppy" because when you drive from vacaville to concord, spend an hour wandering around a pet store, wait, drive to berkeley, wait, drive to oakland, leave with not 1, not 2 but 3 PUPPIES, drive back to concord, get puked on by puppy, drop your shoe in a gutter, drive from concord to vacaville with a wet shoe, forget bridge toll, get puked on by puppy again it qualifies as a mission!
2 boys and a girl. Cody, Bruder Myrrh and The Gypsy Piper. They are too cute and all the kids love them, which was the point right?
Labels: The Gypsy Piper
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
the wonderful wizard of oz
Labels: Kaija Rose