Friday, August 5, 2011
I have Waldorf and Montessori on the BRAIN!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
the view from down there
I think we tend to forget that the world looks diffrent from every pair of eyes. Everyday in class I get down to eye level of small childern, but its not so often that I stop and enjoy the view. Nonny took this picture on our walk last weekend. The kids stopped right in the middle of the road to see a bug that none of us would have noticed. Being a beautiful country road we too were able to stop right there in the middle of the road and bug watch. How beautiful it is down there.
Labels: out and about
Monday, April 20, 2009

AND i finally posted pictures to prove it!
this quilt actually only took me a week or so of spare time in the afternoons. HA! spare time? maybe I should re phrase that... "here and there in the the afternoons when I should have been doing other things I worked on sewing this quilt"
I was determined to finish, and refused to let myself work on anything else. (except for maybe that cute little valentines day skirt) but the point is I'm DONE! C has his quilt which he loves by the way, and I am no longer haunted by skull fabric. Unless of course the quilt finds its way to the bedroom.
Labels: Crafting and Sewing
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
goodbye snowflakes
"Being that its spring now" I have been told by quite a few very observant people "it is time to take down the snow flakes in the front window."
I just want to say for the record...
I know its spring, I know it doesnt snow here and most importantly I love my snowflakes!
My love of paper snow flakes came from a neighbor of my moms in down town petaluma. Every year the family makes tons and tons of snow flakes and hang them in all the windows of their huge victorian home. It really is a sight to see. I decided to borrow this tradition for my own windows in the winter. Now my home is far from victorian, and I did only started out with 24 but one day I will have more windows, more snow flakes and I will leave them up spring or not.
KITTIES are here!
Born this morning! Mama Kitty started around 4:30 a.m. There was 3 by the time I left for work just after 6. When K and C work up a few hours later there was 5. K was very excited to wake up to kitties under our bed. I wish I could have been there to see her face. she said "Oh how sweet, look daddy, mama kitty had her babies" I think we might have to keep one :)